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Company News: Photonteck attend AOM 2015

来源:本站  时间:2017-06-05  阅读:22

 AOM 2015 will be held in Hangzhou on October 28, 2015. Photonteck would like to display our comprehensive range of products to you and answer your inquires. 

We look forward to seeing you at our booth. Your esteemed presence would be an honor! 

Date:  28 -31 October, 2015
Venue:  HNA Resort Huagang Hangzhou
Booth :  Booth 6 

About AOM
The 5th conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2015) is an OSA topical meeting focusing on micro/nano scale based optoelectronics and optics. The AOM 2015 will present the most recent advances in the fields of micro/nano-optics and optoelectronics, especially the new ideas and concepts in modeling, fabrication and testing of photonic materials, structures, devices and systems, and their applications.  (

About Photonteck 
Photonteck is a professional distributor and representative company dedicated in the field of fiber-optical communication, RF & Microwave communication, Photovoltaics and LED industry in China. Working closely with international leading manufacturers of electronic and optical components, modules and instruments, Photonteck helps to introduce the competitive products and technologies to the ever-growing China market and targets to volume shipment in local markets.